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How To Research Your Novel And When To Stop. Eight simple but powerful habits that will make you more successful.
Kimberly is a freelance writer and award winning editor, empath, and an independent paranormal investigator. She is also a retired executive managing editor and retired professional book reviewer. She also enjoy reading and helping her fellow authors promote their books and giveaways. Kimberly owns and operates a.
Proudly Scottish; Book Lover, Gamer, Nerd, Cat Enthusiast and Fangirl of pretty much everything.
I have read all my life and the passion never wanes. I was going to the library which was just down the street from where I lived, all my life except when I grew up and discovered book stores and that I could actually keep the books I loved.
Lorna Peel is an author of contemporary and historical romantic fiction. Her debut novel, ONLY YOU. A contemporary celebrity romance set in London, England, was published in 2014. A romantic suspense set in a stately home in Yorkshire, England, is available now in ebook and paperback.
I love books! My fave genres are Fantasy, Sci Fi, Thrillers, Horror, Mystery and Paranormal.
Já nechci do školy! Tak tohle si říkám až moc často. Prázdniny končí a mě se při představě školy začíná zvedat žaludek. Letos Jdu do 7 třídy, Sekundy na gymplu. Možná,že to ještě není ten nejhorší ročník,ovšem mě je jasné,že takovýmhle tempem se ze školy brzo zblázním. Vždycky ubíhala škola tak pomalu,nebo se mi to zdá jen za poslední 2 roky? 12 letos jí bude 13.
Tady je první rozhovor s Markétou. Jsem ráda, že jsem se dostala alespoň tak daleko.